For many years, when people asked me how I was doing, I always answered, "I'm trying to catch up with my life!" I felt like I was always behind, like I wasn't doing enough or that I wasn't enough.

Hi, my name is Multifaceted Lorraine and I'm a recovering Perfectionist who is now living my One Best Enough.Already. life.

I'm now a multi-passionate, multifaceted solopreneur with multiple websites. I'm also a BIZiBuddy*, helping overwhelmed humans and solopreneurs live their lives to their fullest potential, with more empathy and less sympathy. I share useful tips and sell FUN STUFF to motivate and inspire productivity and self-care to help YOU live YOUR most fulfilling HAPPY life.

I didn't originally intend to create multiple websites. I just wanted my one website and my little Etsy shop and eBay store. BUT when you make the decision to live your fullest, most authentic life… your priorities start to shift from within. And that internal shift can lead to a full-blown adventure! It was, and is, disruptive, challenging, rewarding, and everything in between 😅 🌈 ❣️

I struggled to re-create my website for many reasons. Many years before when I first created my website, along with my Etsy shop and eBay store, I only enjoyed it for all of a month and even made sales! Then life happened and I had to put it on hold for many years. Consequently, I’ve had many false starts in my website recreation, mainly due to tech challenges and a LOT of life happening. My website was always “Coming Soon!”, and I'm sure some people I met online wondered if I were a crazed stalker who would always show up, but my website would never materialize!?! There were legitimate reasons for my struggle, but it was frustrating nonetheless. Self doubt and guilt would creep in because it was taking me an irrationally long time but it always remained in my heart despite all the odds.

Then from struggling with creating one website for like forever, I got inspired while living my Enough.Already. life** and created 3¼ websites(!!!) in a span of a few months! I DIY-ed everything - my concepts, websites, designs, products, etc. Ironically, I’m currently in the process (¼ done so far) of still re-creating my website but it’s REALLY coming very soon this time!

I created to share with other struggling solopreneurs and overwhelmed human beings how I overcame the infamous Yucky Stucky Stage and finally got my breakthrough to work on my online endeavors and ALIGN my WORK and HOME with my LIFE by MULTIFACETING, so I could reach my HAPPY reality. Because if I can do it, you can too!

* is in the works! Keep reading to find out how you can get notified when it starts.

** Read on to find out more about the Enough.Already. Life

What is Multifaceting?

Multifaceting is the ability to embrace, explore and enjoy every facet of your life, so that you can grow into your best self and realize your fullest potential.

~ Multifaceted Lorraine

Your life before Multifaceting

  • 😩 Overwhelmed & Stressed

  • 😣 Decision Fatigue & Analysis Paralysis

  • 😓 Doing All.The.Things.

  • 😰 Never enough.


🤍Your Enough.Already. Life

  • 🤍 Clear about right where you are.

  • 🤍 Getting REAL to Get Things Done!

  • 🤍 Enjoying All.The.Things.

  • 🤍 Living your One Best Enough.Already. Happy Life!

✨ No more excuses for Good Enough ✨ and ✨ No more stressing over the misconception of Never Enough ✨ You can live your One Best ENOUGH.ALREADY. Life
— Multifaceted Lorraine



You can’t control everything that happens to you; you CAN ONLY CONTROL the way you respond to what happens.

Your power is in your response.

Your One Best Life is worth your One Best Next Step!

FINALLY, you’ve decided - Enough.Already. - you’re going to align & choose your actions towards what matters most to you, by saying Enough.Already. to all the distractions that are diverting your focus from your One Best Life. You can because YOU ARE Enough.Already. to make it happen.

What’s the Enough.Already. Life?

(a short summary)


The power of Enough.Already. is already in YOU!

I couldn’t understand how I ended up not happy when I started from such a happy place. Nothing had really gone wrong until it felt like it must have. I felt like I was free falling with no safety net! The point is - it doesn’t matter how or why - I found myself in a place that I didn’t want to be in. So, I made the decision :



Everything changed when I decided to live my Enough.Already. life! Instead of continuing to feel like I was free falling, I crafted my own metaphorical parachute to slow down, got pragmatic and then re-purposed my parachute into a metaphorical flying balloon. Then, I learned how to fly it and I flew back to my HAPPY Place. My Enough.Already. DECISIONS and Enough.Already. ACTIONS shaped and created the reality that I wanted!

I discovered that there are 3 phases of Enough.Already.

And understanding each phase can help anyone get out of that Yucky Stucky Stage.

Anyone can find themselves in a Yucky Stucky Stage of sorts, at any point in their lives, but Solopreneurs are especially vulnerable in their entrepreneurship journey.

It’s my hope that in sharing my Enough.Already. life, anyone can also be inspired to live their

One Best Enough.Already. Life.

Together is Better

I believe in living out your biggest dreams and designing your life the way you want it. But more importantly, it’s essential to understand the thin line between success and failure. Like all creative endeavors, your goals will morph and evolve. Understanding how to deal with these challenging twists & turns as life changes, is essential to achieving your dreams.

It is an on-going process.

I believe we can live our One Best ©Enough.Already. Life NOW!

No more excuses for Good Enough


No more stressing over the misconception of Never Enough

I know I’m not alone on this journey. And neither are you! We don’t need to be alone in our journey. People can empower people. We gain power ourselves when we share and empower each other.

Together is Better.

Sign up to be notified when begins.

No incessant emails. No spam emails.

⬇︎ This button below will ONLY put you on the list to be notified when the fun at begins. No more, no less. ⬇︎

Come hangout with me,

And let’s have some FUN!


Here’s how we can have FUN together:

Please Visit’s FUN Shop selling FUN stuff to motivate and inspire productivity and self care for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs working from home!

Please visit my SHOP to find FUN STUFF that I have specially curated for you. Have fun using these to relieve stress and to get you back to loving what you’re doing!

Stop your spiral into overwhelm. Instead, get motivated to live an Enough.Already. life. Stop stressing and start ❤️ loving your life! Visit and find out how.

Follow me on Instagram and read My Blog to get Inspiration and Encouraging Boosts to stop overwhelm in its tracks! YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 💕

Ever wondered if certain productivity & organizational tools, online courses and online groups were right for you? Get honest and discerning reviews at's Blog.

Find out more about Courses and Groups online and the many Productivity and Organizational products available in the market. (Fun Gifts & Offers included!)



Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP


Get them 🛒 before prices rise!


LIMITED TIME OFFER! ❤️ Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP ❤️ Get them 🛒 before prices rise! ❤️

Here’s A 👀 Peek at some FUN Stuff

Please visit my FUN shop - there’s so much more to discover inside! (Just like you 😉)


Enough.Already. You can do it!

Get everything IN your head OUT onto this Master Dump List Notebook. An easy peasy way to organize ALL your To Dos in ONE place. No more countless paper slips. Know where to find all your ideas, tasks and To Dos neatly categorized the way you want it! This can be used alongside any other planner that you have. Find out how by clicking the button below.


Cheer Up! You’re always Enough.Already.!

What a fun, bright & cheerful way to remind yourself every time you wear this that you’re Enough.Already. to make what matters to you happen.

Keep on blooming wherever you’re planted!

This fun pair of leggings is sure to bring a happy spring to your step. Walk in it, exercise in it, lounge, play, skip… simply live happily in these comfy bottoms any time. anywhere.


1. What is about? is a respite for overwhelmed & burnt out solopreneurs - providing inspiration, motivation, tips and FUN stuff to make MULTIFACETING in Work, Home & Life FUN and SUSTAINABLE so that we can live to our fullest potential!

2. Who is Multifaceting for?

Anyone who is feeling overwhelmed with their Home, Work and Life; this particularly includes Solopreneurs working at home. However, some of the FUN stuff is FUN for anyone!

3. Is anything sold here?

YES! Visit my FUN SHOP that is curated with FUN Stuff that anyone with Work, Home and Life might find useful. These are things I use myself that have helped me get out of my yucky Stucky Stage and I continue to use them to live my One Best Enough.Already. life.

4. Is international shipping available for the FUN STUFF?

Unfortunately, international shipping is limited at this time. International shipping from the USA start at approximately US$40 upwards, depending on the destination country and the amount purchased. I’m working on improving this. Meanwhile, please use the Contact form to let me know what items you intend to purchase FIRST and I’ll reply with the shipping costs. You will have the option to decide then if you want to proceed with the purchase. There are no markups on shipping cost.

5. Why is your name Multifaceted Lorraine?

😁 If you’re curious about my name, you can learn more about it at This name is a reminder of what makes me, ME! It came to be when I decided - Enough.Already. - I’m going to start living my life to my fullest potential, even though it wouldn't always be smooth sailing. It's a reminder to myself to never give up on my dreams, and I hope it can be a reminder for you too.


What is Multifaceted Lorraine up to now?

You can always find

up to something at :

Multifaceted Lorraine is always up to something and I currently Blog on sharing my journey as I recreate Understanding how stressful & overwhelming it can get and after having my Enough.Already. breakthrough, I wanted to create a FUN respite for other burnt out humans and solopreneurs, to share what has helped me stay driven & motivated to do what I love and to love what I do.

Closet Delights (also me but a different brain facet!) is also in collaboration with to create the Fun & Colorful ©Enough.Already. Collection and some Closet Delights brand items.

** is a reminder for everyone about what matters most and regardless of what curveballs life throws at you, you can live your One Best Enough.Already. life now! explains my name and how we can all stay motivated to move forward towards a fulfilling life. will sell Closet Delights brand items, Handmade With Love items & Vintage items. Coming Soon! Find out when the shop opens & get updates HERE 👈🏻 use this link to get information exclusively about Closet Delights and nothing else. No spam emails.

* will be a community of Solopreneurs that support and encourage each other on their entrepreneurship journey. Find out how you can get notified when it begins in my About page or sign up HERE 👈🏻 Using this link means you will ONLY receive info about BIZiBuddys. No spam emails.

❤️ Please visit my SHOP for FUN stuff ❤️

Let’s continue the FUN!

Visit my Just For You page 😊