You don’t have to

feel this way!


Do you feel pulled in every direction?

Are you suffering from Decision Fatigue?

Are you constantly distracted?

Are you busy & tired all the time, yet you never seem to get anything completed?!

Or even as you’re about to complete a task, something else screams for your immediate attention & at the end of the day, you feel disappointed that you haven’t achieved more.

You don’t even know what day it is anymore.

You’ve tried to stay focused. You were determined to complete that project or online course (even though you have others lined up uncompleted!). You get off to a good start - but something else urgent pops up. You lose motivation and get stuck feeling frustrated & overwhelmed. Then you try focusing again on what promises to be your breakthrough…..

(begin at the top again…)

Do any of these sound familiar?

You're constantly saying, “I’m working on it…”

You're always feeling like you have nothing accomplished to show for your busy days.

You feel like everything is taking so loooooooong!

You're frequently wondering if there’s a better way. You suspect that there is and you’ve lost count of the number of online courses that promises you that there is and yet… you’re still here and not “there”!

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do to


What if I told you that you could...

strengthen your focus with a simple mindset

calm your overwhelm with a simple reminder

start completing things that matter most to you

get out of the yucky Stucky Stage because if I can, so can you!

Sign up for news of something exciting that's coming!

Sign up for news of something exciting that's coming!

But for now…

With my specially curated FUN PRODUCTS and BLOG,

you can focus on :

Love Yourself Well to Love Others Well

Similar to a plane emergency, you have to put that oxygen mask on yourself first before you can effectively be useful and care for yourself or anyone else!

Build a Rock Solid Foundation

Building your life and vocation is like building a house - you need a strong foundation to support all that you want to achieve. You have to know what matters most.

Know Your Limitations To Overcome Them

Replace limiting self-pity with generous grace to reach your limitless potential! The adage Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way holds true.


  • What REALLY matters most to you?

    Answer some question prompts at

  • Are you clear about what makes you happy and unhappy?

    Don’t confuse discomfort with unhappiness. Answer some question prompts at

  • When is it Enough.Already.?

    When does it matter and when does it not? I share what has helped me in my Home, Work and Life on my Blog in It’s a Blog that’ll Boost your motivation level!

    Sometimes all we need is someone that understands 💕


Get this FOCUS TO ACHIEVE Bundle ($15 value) + a GUIDE included, FREE for only A LIMITED TIME!

Get your Focus To Achieve Bundle Set FREE for only A LIMITED TIME!

Let’s Have FUN with our Work, Home & Life Together

Step 1

Get your FREE Focus To Achieve Bundle Set and start getting Things That Matter DONE! The sooner you start, the better!


Step 2

Don’t miss any FUN updates - get on my Mailing List. I do NOT send an incessant amount of emails. Only ones you’ll want to open!


Step 3

Get FUN inspiration & motivation and MORE - visit my FUN Shop and follow me on Instagram - go to my Contact & Connect page for links to follow..


Step 4

Find out more about effective Online Courses, Productivity Tools & Online Groups on my Blog. FUN gifts & offers included!

The Time to Enjoy your Home, Work & Life is NOW!

Home Sweet Home when Multifaceting


If home is where your heart ❤️ is, are they aligned?

I Love My Work when Multifaceting


Do what you ❤️ love and love ❤️ what you do.

Life is Good when Multifaceting


Live and love ❤️ your One Best Enough.Already. Life!



Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP


Get them 🛒 before prices rise!


LIMITED TIME OFFER! 💛 Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP 💛 Get them 🛒 before prices rise! 💛

Here’s A 👀 Peek at some FUN Stuff

Please visit my FUN shop - there’s so much more to discover inside! (Just like you 😉)


Enough.Already. You can do it!

Get everything IN your head OUT onto this Master Dump List Notebook. An easy peasy way to organize ALL your To Dos in ONE place. No more countless paper slips. Know where to find all your ideas, tasks and To Dos neatly categorized the way you want it! This can be used alongside any other planner that you have. Find out how by clicking the button below.


Cheer Up! You’re always Enough.Already.!

What a fun, bright & cheerful way to remind yourself every time you wear this that you’re Enough.Already. to make what matters to you happen.

Keep on blooming wherever you’re planted!

This fun pair of leggings is sure to bring a happy spring to your step. Walk in it, exercise in it, lounge, play, skip… simply live happily in these comfy bottoms any time. anywhere.

Ready for Fun Inspiration?

Ready for Motivation?

You REALLY don’t have to

feel this way!

Are you ready?

Let’s get What Matters Most to Us DONE!



You can always find

up to something at :

Multifaceted Lorraine is always up to something and I currently Blog on sharing my journey as I recreate Understanding how stressful & overwhelming it can get and after having my Enough.Already. breakthrough, I wanted to create a FUN respite for other burnt out humans and solopreneurs, to share what has helped me stay driven & motivated to do what I love and to love what I do.

Closet Delights (also me but a different brain facet!) is doing a collaboration with to create the Fun & Colorful ©Enough.Already. Collection and some Closet Delights brand items.

* is a reminder for everyone about what matters most and regardless of what curveballs life throws at you, you can live your One Best Enough.Already. life now! explains my name and how we can all stay motivated to move forward towards a fulfilling life. will sell Closet Delights brand items, Handmade With Love items & Vintage items. Coming Soon! Find out when the shop opens & get updates HERE 👈🏻 use this link to get information exclusively about Closet Delights and nothing else. No spam emails.

** will be a community of Solopreneurs that support and encourage each other on their entrepreneurship journey. Find out how you can get notified when it begins in my About page or sign up HERE 👈🏻 Using this link means you will ONLY receive info about BIZiBuddys. No spam emails.

❤️ Please visit my SHOP for FUN stuff ❤️


Follow me for FUN Inspiration :



Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP


Get them 🛒 before prices rise!


LIMITED TIME OFFER! ❤️ Enjoy Special Prices in my FUN SHOP ❤️ Get them 🛒 before prices rise! ❤️