How to look for GOOD AFFILIATE LINKS and why YOU SHOULD USE them (and which to avoid!)


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What’s your first reaction when you hear “Affiliate Links”?

Is your response positive or negative ?

When I first heard the term "affiliate links" many years ago, I had no idea what it meant or how it would affect me. I felt a little wary and negative about it, even though I didn't really understand it.

I’ve since learned how wrong I am to feel that especially when you know how to seek out the right ones. It can be a helpful way for consumers to find products and services that they're interested in.

I think the reaction of guardedness and suspicion towards affiliate links arises from the fact that there are some unscrupulous affiliate marketers out there who use affiliate links to promote products and services that they don't actually believe in, just to earn a commission. However, there are also many reputable affiliate marketers who use affiliate links to promote products and services that they genuinely believe in.

In fact, I now look for affiliate links when I'm interested in purchasing something online, and especially for online courses. This is because there are many benefits to be gained by doing so.

As a consumer, it's important to do your research before clicking on any affiliate link. Read the reviews of the product or service that you're interested in, and make sure that you trust the person who is promoting it. If you do your research, you'll be able to find reputable affiliate links that can help you find the products and services that you're looking for and you’ll also stand to gain some additional bonuses at the same time.

Like it or not, algorithms are a part of our lives now, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Originating from a problem-solving operation, they can help us solve problems and make our lives easier.

However, too much of a good thing can be a problem. We can be overwhelmed by the number of online courses and products that are being suggested to us, all of which claim to solve all of our problems. How do we make wise decisions about which courses and products to invest in?

The best way to make wise decisions is to do your research. Ask around, attend webinars, workshops, bootcamps, and challenges. Get as much information as you can about the course or product before you buy it. Often, you'll get good information from someone who may offer an affiliate link to a course that may be beneficial to you.

Tips for choosing online courses and products

However, it's important to be aware of the potential for bias when you're getting information from someone who is promoting a product or course. They may be exaggerating the benefits of the course or product, or they may not be fully disclosing the drawbacks. It's important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions about whether or not a course or product is right for you.

Here are some tips for making wise decisions about online courses and products:

  • DO YOUR RESEARCH. Read reviews, watch videos, and talk to people who have taken the course or used the product.

  • BE AWARE OF POTENTIAL BIAS. Consider the source of the information and whether or not they have a vested interest in promoting the course or product.

  • SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. Don't expect a course or product to solve all of your problems.

  • BE WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK. No course or product will guarantee success. You still have to put in the work to achieve your goals.


Before I explain what to look out for and what to avoid when it comes to affiliate links, I’d like to explain what you do stand to gain from them.

NOTE : Affiliate links are a great way to save money on products and services that you're already interested in. When you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase, the person who shared the link with you will earn a commission. However, you don't pay any more for the product or service than you would have if you had clicked on a regular link. Using an affiliate link doesn’t cost you a cent extra; you pay exactly the same price for the product AND you may gain extra benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of using affiliate links:

  • You can save money. When you use an affiliate link, the person who shared the link with you will earn a commission, but you won't pay any more for the product or service.

  • You can support your favorite creators. If you enjoy the content that someone creates, you can use their affiliate links to support them. When you use an affiliate link, the creator earns a commission from the sale, which helps them to continue creating content. This is a great way to show your appreciation for their work and the time they save you by doing the research for you.

  • You can get exclusive deals. Sometimes, affiliate links will give you access to exclusive deals or discounts that you wouldn't be able to find otherwise.

There's nothing wrong with the provider of an affiliate link earning a commission when it's recommended to you. Here are some reasons why:

  1. You get useful information. The provider of the affiliate link should provide you with information about the product or service that they're recommending. This information should be helpful and informative, and it should give you a good idea of whether or not the product or service is right for you.

  2. You get convenience. Affiliate links can make it easy for you to purchase products or services that you're interested in. You can simply click on the link and be taken directly to the product or service's website. This can save you time and hassle, especially if you're not sure where to find the product or service. You may not have known about this product had you not read about it in the online blog article or social media post. The writer has done the research and put in the effort to share the information with you, and they appreciate you using their link so that they can receive a commission for their time and effort.

  3. You get to learn from others' research and experience. The provider of the affiliate link has already done the research and testing for you. They have tried out the product or service themselves and can share their honest opinion with you. This can be helpful, especially if you're not sure what to expect from a product or service, and it can also save you time and money.

  4. The appropriate affiliate link is a win-win situation for both you and the provider of the link. You get advice and/or information about a great product, and the person recommending the product and offering the affiliate link stands to gain something, such as a commission or a similar reward. There is nothing wrong with this! The idea that someone else shouldn't gain anything from your purchase stems from wrongful assumptions. The point is to ensure that you gain the benefit that you want, with or without extra bonuses.

What to look out for when using affiliate links?

Let’s start discussing the Bad before the Good.

It's important to be discerning when using affiliate links. Not all affiliate links are created equal. Some providers may be more biased than others, and some may not be providing accurate information. It's important to do your own research and read reviews before making a purchase, even if you're using an affiliate link.


⚠️ As mentioned earlier, it's important to be discerning when someone shares their so-called review, experience, or research on a product. There are those who will share anything that will give them a commission. Often, their content copy is filled with stock information, which is a red flag that they may not have actually used the product or taken the course themselves. They're simply regurgitating PR copy material to fill their promo content. You'll probably find several of the same exact content copy in numerous faux "reviews" on the internet.

⚠️ It's important to be wary of people who share links to products & services simply because they're their friends' or associates' products & services. These people may have met at a conference and decided to pool their products together, or they may just want to get the affiliate commission for promoting the product. This can be a real time suck, as you'll have to listen to their pitches and read their reviews, which may not be fully vetted. Unless someone really believes in the product after using it themselves, you're not going to get an honest and true review of what the product can do for you.

⚠️ I've seen and heard of reviews that focus more on the person selling the product than the product itself! There's nothing wrong with reviewing the seller/instructor/course creator, as this can be helpful in assessing if they're a good fit for you. However, if the review is only about the person and not the product, it's important to ask why they're not talking about the product itself and what it can do for you in practical terms. Many course creators/sellers are nice people, but you want value for your money. Some courses may be full of fluff and are so long-winded that they waste your precious time.


❤️ Affiliate links that provide you with additional value when you use them. I mentioned convenient affiliate links earlier. These are great! These are from people who have done the work to narrow down the best of the best, products that they've used and really believe in. The benefit for you is the convenience of having them bring something to your attention without you having to go search for it. They've also provided you with information about it so you don't have to guess or spend more time searching and researching. Why not show your appreciation by using their affiliate links to purchase the recommended products?

❤️ Affiliate links with Bonuses. There are affiliate links that offer you bonuses in addition to the product you're purchasing. This can be a great way to get more value for your money, especially if you're already interested in the product and have intentions to buy it. For example, you might get a free gift, a discount on a related product, early access to a new product or additional supporting products or services. Doing a little research to find the relevant affiliate links that offer bonuses that you want can be a worthwhile investment. It may take a few extra minutes, but it could save you money or get you something extra that you wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

Here’s a real-life example that I’ve experienced :

When a Bad review is a Good review!

Many years back, I was very interested in Marie Forleo’s B-School. The whole online business idea was new to me at the time and I was very hesitant about the investment. I started researching, and ironically, it was a bad review that convinced me to buy B-School! The writer described what they thought were bad things about B-School, but to me, they sounded good! The "negative" review talked about how all these B-School students were just Marie Forleo's groupies who would create products and sell them to one another. I thought, "What's wrong with providing useful products to people who need them and who benefit from them?!" There was a lot more to the review, but the point is that it convinced me that B-School was for me.

So be open to what you read and make wise, discerning decisions for yourself. Everyone has different needs.

Note the Differences in Affiliate Links

After researching more, I realized that I wanted a value-added affiliate link that would be appropriate for me to use to buy B-School. I didn't have much time to research because the doors for B-School enrollment were going to close soon, but I did find one that met my needs at the time. Since then, I've discovered more great affiliate links with which to join B-School.

I ended up using the affiliate link for B-School offered by Natalie Lussier, who founded AccessAlly with her husband. My biggest pain point back then was website creation, and her affiliate link for B-School offered a bonus course on how to use their AccessAlly WordPress plugin that provides power and flexibility. In the end, WordPress was just NOT for me! This is in no way a bad reflection on AccessAlly. It’s really great if you want to go the WordPress route. I learned a lot and I respect Natalie Lussier and am grateful for the relevant bonus that I needed back then.

A little side story

My biggest pain point back then was website creation. I used to get website anxiety attacks, but I'm so grateful to be able to create websites for myself now and to bring my vision into reality. This is definitely MULTIFACETING an Enough.Already. win! 🙌🏻 I'm now a SquareSpace Circle member, and I've created multiple websites. I'll be sharing more about my journey in my upcoming blog post, "Website SOS." Stay tuned to find out what finally helped me overcome what I thought was my Achilles heel.


❤️ Affiliate links from genuine fans. Genuine fans are passionate about the products or services they promote, and they're not afraid to share their enthusiasm with others. You can usually spot true zeal from someone who is honestly passionate about what they believe in. They can't help but be enthusiastic about it! I used to rave about online courses and products that had helped me, recommending them to friends and strangers alike—all without any affiliate links. I was just happy to share good stuff. In fact, it turned many strangers into friends!

Now that I have my Blog, I look forward to offering my affiliate links to products that I absolutely love. I will be offering these affiliate links with additional benefits for you! Keep reading my Blog (better yet, sign up for updates - no spam!) as I begin to share what has truly helped me the most on this journey. It may just help you too! 💕

If you have any questions or just want to chat about the topic, please feel free to send me a message using my Contact & Connect page 🙂

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